paranormal activity :E

haha best jugak layan cite ni..starting dye bosan tu bosan jugak but overall best la jugak mcm ad somting dlm cite ni yg more toreal haha u likee?? i looooooooooooike tp ak tgok yg no 2 dlu cos ak x pnah dgar pown movie ni ..smalam pown asha pjien egel dyla yg ajak ak tgok movie ni kat EC layan je la haha drp ak temendap bosan x tau pape kan kan zZz

dis is paranormal activity2 ak suke baby dye omg! damn cute his name hunter haha kire dlm cite ni hanto tu nak dye la..dye slalo maen dgan anto tu zZz watta heck haa anjing tu plak name dye Abby haha name nak cun je..anjing ni cute dye la yg slalo tman baby ni klo ade anto dtg las2 dgn dye2 emergency ouch! kesian ko abby huhu tp lastly mostly dead n d evil get d baby hunter by using her auntie body katie n now they all unknown haha ..lepas balik dorm mlm tu ak cntinue tgok paranormal activity1 actualy klo x tgok yg first agak blur la tgok yg no2 so ak tgok la wlaopown dlm keadaan skeri meri mlm2 bute mmg cun la tyme dye haha yg kat bwah ni la katie yg drasuk kesian dye kna anta d org =.='

then ptg tu after tgok movie pjien n sha bawak kite org pegi tanjung lumpur wlapown da beberape thun ak temendap kat cni haha ak x pnah pegi tanjung lumpur kot ,,best la view dye kecuali sampah srap yg tersadai ...haha kat ctu bley tgok org cari siput sedut i tink haha pastu ade bdk2 maen lopak tngkap ikan wow cute2 klo la ak bwak mohd nikon ak..haha ak terlupe ak pegi tnggal dye dlm gobok kat ganu zZz haha sian guh mesti ko rendu ak kan mohd nikon :p tade camera,,camera fon pown jadilah hahax ini lah hasilnye XD

Pablo Picasso Light Painting
One of the 20th century’s greatest artists was quite adept with light painting himself. The great Pablo Picasso experimented with light painting in his later days. Picasso stood in front of the camera, armed with a flashlight, and traced his style of imagery in the air before the shutter slammed shut. The result was an illuminating set of photos that show the artist at work– a wild set of self portraits where this famed painter shared the focal point with his art. There’s more Pablo Picasso Light Painting right here on TheCoolist.

Pablo Picasso Light Painting Gallery